Read the original article.
Today during development, the production operations and maintenance personnel reported that the page was blank and they couldn't access the system. Upon investigation, I found that it was an error reported by my print-template-designer, which stated that globalThis is not defined.
Actually, I think I have encountered similar errors before, usually due to a low version of the browser.
I checked on Can I Use and found that globalThis is not supported in versions of Chrome prior to 70.
So there are two solutions:
- Ask the customer to upgrade their browser version.
- Upgrade the front-end to be compatible with lower versions.
In the end, I advised the customer to upgrade their browser version. For Windows 7, the latest version 108 should be sufficient. (By the way, Chrome stopped supporting Windows 7 this year, so 108 should be the last version.)
In terms of code, how can we solve this issue? Just add the following code to the head section.
this.globalThis || (this.globalThis = this)
Also, let's understand what globalThis is: