


How to exchange USDT and provide some fuel fees for free within my ability

Recently, I discovered some mira tokens provided by xlog here, so I wanted to convert them to USDT. However, I was unable to pay the fuel fees on Matic - the fuel fees on the current Polygon network have really increased.

Finally, with the support of some faucet websites, I was able to successfully convert them. Here is a record of the process.

Transfer to Another Network#

Refer to the official tutorial.

Faucet Websites#

The main website that provides assistance is:

Multicoin Faucet -

This website provides many free faucets for various cryptocurrencies. I applied twice on this website and received about 0.015 $MATIC each time. The interval is three days. You only need to send a tweet (similar to obtaining CSB) to get it.


Exchange to USDT#

Of course, with only 0.03 MATIC, it is not enough to pay for the transfer and swap fuel fees. So how did I successfully exchange it?

  1. First of all, the cost of transferring to another network is affordable, so I transferred mira to the Polygon mainnet first.
  2. Then, I used Uniswap to convert 1 mira to 1 USDC. The reason for converting to USDC is that the fuel fees for conversion are relatively low.
  3. After that, we can use the Swap for Gas Token on the Polygon official website to convert some USDC to Matic (without paying fuel fees).
  4. After having enough MATIC, we can convert the remaining MIRA to USDT.



Now I have some Polygon MATIC tokens. If anyone needs them, I can provide some (about 0.1 MATIC) for free to cover the fuel fees for operating MIRA extraction and conversion to USDT, until my MATIC balance is empty.

You can leave your wallet address in the comments below this blog post.

polygon wallet


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